Waterhouse Gallery
Michael Malm
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60 x 20 Original Oil Painting Oil $19500
   Available in Santa Barbara Gallery


Michael Malm

Michael lives in the beautiful Cache Valley of northern Utah with his wife, Juanita, and their three children.
The surrounding rural communities and setting provide backdrops for his figure paintings and inspiration for his landscapes. Though he paints a variety of subject matter, his first love is painting the figure. “The human figure, in my mind is the most beautiful of all God’s creations. So much can be communicated through the tilt of the head, or the gesture of a hand. I strive to capture subtle things such as these in hopes of creating something emotional and moving.”

Michael’s serious study began under Del Parson at Dixie College where his completed his associate’s degree. He then went on to Southern Utah University where he had the opportunity to study with Perry Stewart. Though he feels he will always be a student of painting, he completed his formal education at Utah State University where he received a Master of Fine Arts Degree studying under Glen Edwards. “I am grateful to have studied under some great artists. I was so impressed (and still am) with their work as professionals, and their ability and willingness to pass along their knowledge to me. They were very encouraging and optimistic about making a career in art because they themselves were doing it, and doing it well. I still find encouragement and inspiration in seeing their work.” Michael also feels fortunate to have studied under other great painters who have had an impact on his own work. These include Richard Schmid, Burt Silverman, Dan Gerhartz, Michael Workman, CW Mundy, and Jim Norton. “I have truly been blessed to have had the opportunity to have studied with some of the best living artists today. They have all been so generous with their knowledge and I will forever be grateful for their willingness to share.”


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 Call for questions 805-452-1062 or 805-886-2988 or email us at art@waterhousegallery.com